The streets of Karsis are a tough place to grow up. Join a band of urchins as they navigate the ups and downs of living on the streets of the capital city. Starring many up and coming actors under 18, as well as a few familiar faces.
Lyric Doctor as Ty-Lee
Aryan Khalsa as Gossy
Isla Landry as Parri
Sophia Warner as Jaxx
Leighton Gough as Grez
Free Bicknell as Mazza
Georgia Yule as Hen
Will Cloud as Crate
Mimi Brown as Catch
Nikko Angelo Hinayo as Nils
Tory Doctor as Artz-Lee
Melody McClellan as The Architect
Connie Sharabura as The Engineer
Femme Cover: Katie O’Keefe
Masc Cover: Rowan Remy
Stage Manager: Davis Shewchuk