About the Show
“The Spark of Justice: A Tale of Arlyrus” is a groundbreaking theatrical experience debuting at Edmonton International Fringe Festival 2024. This interactive play lets the audience decide which of the five characters narrates the story, changing the genre revealing new twists with every performance. From drama to comedy to musical theatre, each show offers a unique adventure.
Story Overview
This isn’t your typical hero’s journey, but a tale of thieves and assassins, where each character’s moral lines are tested. Set in a fantasy world of gnomes and humans, rogues and fighters, “The Spark of Justice” is a story of imperfect people making difficult decisions.
Performance Details
- Dates:
August 16th at 9:45 PM
August 18th at 12:00 PM
August 19th at 4:00 PM
August 20th at 5:45 PM
August 21st at 5:45 PM
August 23rd at 7:30 PM
August 24th at 11:30 PM
August 25th at 1:45 PM - Venue:
Grindstone Theatre’s Lumos Dental Stage, Millcreek Studio
9562 82 Ave NW, Edmonton T6C 0Z8 - Shows:
Eight performances, each offering a different experience based on audience choices - Tickets:
Tickets are on sale now. Visit this link and get your tickets FAST! We’re expecting sold out shows!