Stuart Bentley as Artemis
Tory Doctor as D’ar
Shanna Stoker as Morgaine
Matthew Schomer as Carrington
Murray Farnell as Chafe
Rebecca Muñoz as Merralys
Jonathan Thomas Jones as Captain Delphian Smoak
Melody McClellan as Jenny Green Bones
Rob Mobley as One-Eyed Pete
Bennett Chew as Chugg
Tara Holl as Xixies
Jonathan Top as Terrath D’Mort
Rebecca Davis as The Engineer
Femme Cover- Katie O’Keefe
Masc Cover- MJ Batalla
Stage Manager- Davis Shewchuk
*Please note that registration will be open until approximately 15 minutes before the show. After that point, if you wish to watch the show, please join us at*