Rebecca Muñoz

Rebecca Muñoz is a classically trained actress with over 15 years of experience performing on stage, screen, and in commercial voiceover work. She is beyond thrilled to be making her debut with Off the Beaten Path in Chronicles of D’ar: Death Knell Nigh.

A longtime fan of fantasy, Rebecca has been playing D&D for the past three years. She is a member of the Twitch channel GhostlightRPGs, where she plays in various campaigns and creates art and illustrations. She was also a co-creative of the podcast Spellbound as the Gnome adventurer Feliks St. Frumpterrabble.

Rebecca is passionate about bringing characters to life and telling stories that will resonate with audiences. She is a versatile actor who is always eager to challenge herself and take on new roles. She is excited to join the cast of Chronicles of D’ar: Death Knell Nigh and bring her love of fantasy to life on the virtual stage.

Morgaine's Cottage
Coming soon!
This feature is coming soon!