Ellora Kamineni

Ellora is an actor based between the US and the UK and is so excited to join the OBP family! She discovered her passion for theatre relatively late, after doing almost an entire degree that has nothing to do with the arts, but has since performed in multiple university productions, including as Emily Brent in And Then There Were None and Gabriella Montez in High School Musical On Stage as well as a few short films and commercials! She has also directed a few productions and recently music directed a production of Legally Blonde.

Ellora is also an avid playwright and lyricist, having written lyrics for upcoming online musical Astrom Club and two in-house pantomimes for her university.

Her one-person play Coconut is currently about to start rehearsals and will be going to Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August!

Morgaine's Cottage
Coming soon!
This feature is coming soon!